Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CYBILL: My Last Trip as a Liineholder, cont'd.

Yesterday was my last trip as a line holder and it was bitter sweet. I had an amazing month and will never forget it. It helped me make a decision that affects my future. Here is the rundown of my month as A zone galley heading to Frankfurt. 

I began the month with a virus that had me down for the count for weeks. I was able to trade my trip and make sure that I was 100% healthy. I compared it to my friend that had the samething, but on reserve. She called out for 3 days and had to finish getting well traveling. Needless to say it was an eye opener on just how much more flexible your schedule really is. 

My first trip I was introduced to my fearless leader for the month Paul Moet, he is the sweetest, most welcoming person. I only hope to fly with him again. I also had the pleasure of flying with Gaye and if you have ever had that opportunity then you are lucky. She can run circles around just about everyone. Had dinner and talked with her that night. She's an amazing lady. 

My second trip was just as eventful as the first. Went to dinner with the crew and had drinks in the lobby. We talked and I got to know everyone better. This trip I flew with Elizabeth. I remember her because my first trip to Frankfurt she was the one that walked around the entire city of Mainz with me to make sure I didn't miss anything. She is very sweet and giving. This trip she asked me if my pictures turned out okay, also if I needed to visit anyplace else. 

My last trip that ended yesterday was I would have to say the most trying of the month. It was the trip that really finalized my decision that I have been fighting with all month. The layover was great had Chilean food with the crew and my friend and I headed down the festival that is similar to Mardi Gras, where being from Louisiana made me feel at home. Experienced a free concert and met The Cape Crusader. I also had the pleasure of having to walk up the hill to get to the van in the am because the streets were closed. Lol never forget that. Lol

Overall the month was great as I will never forget it for as long as I am a flight attendant. All because of an act of kindness by Tony Reece. He didn't have to do it he just did. I have heard amazing things about this man and was so looking forward to meeting him in the near future and low and behold I'm sleeping thinking that I'm not going to get used the first 3 days. People have been sitting all month. No way!!!

While I was dreaming of my plans to celebrate Fat Tuesday and what time I'm getting my ashes on Wednesday my phone rings. "Flight Attendant Bridges, we have a 3 day for you. Your fa04 on Amsterdam today." Ok I can deal with that. Something told me to look up the crew. Guess who I have the pleasure of flying with today??...... No one other than Mr. Tony Reece!!! I'm really excited and this is the perfect way to end my line holder month, meeting the man that made it possible and being able to toast with him and give him a huge hug. 

Have a blessed day everyone, stay safe and warm. I know I am blessed.

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